Content Editing Tools to Produce Error-Free Writing

May 17, 2021

Bilal Ahmad

We all prepare various papers for studies, work, and other purposes. Undoubtedly, everyone wants not only to get original content but also to ensure that a paper is error-free. But are there any tools that will let you check your assignment before you hand it in? Fortunately, there are plenty of them available on the market nowadays.

Check this article to learn more about the most popular editing and proofreading tools. Create a remarkable paper that will contain no errors.

Why Proofreading And Editing Are Important?

Proofreading And Editing

(Difference between editing and proofreading)

Some people assume that they can omit this stage as they’ve already checked the paper plenty of times while preparing it. However, such an approach usually leads to low-quality content with many grammar and punctuation errors.

On the other hand, those who devote enough time to checking and thoroughly reading their assignments after finishing them benefit a lot. They usually get great papers without any mistakes. They can easily find inaccuracies and ensure that the work is logical and well-structured.

The List Of Best Proofreading And Writing Editing Software

There are many suggestions available online nowadays. It is possible to find both free and paid tools, and it is only up to you which one to pick. We’ve created a list of the most popular ones that offer the best solutions to writers. But, don’t forget to use one of the best proxy servers while searching for software. It will help you save your personal data and protect the internal network.


Grammarly Tool

This is probably the most famous one as the majority of people use it on a daily basis. It is quite convenient as you can easily add it to various apps and use it on the go.

It has many features and:

  • simply checks your paper;
  • underlines the mistakes;
  • and provides useful recommendations and suggestions.


Hemingway Editor

This editor is a must for those who want to create the perfect content. It shows the reading level, use of adverbs, passive voice, and offers suggestions for your text.

The tool is available online and users can also download a desktop app. Use it in case you desire to get high-quality content without any errors.


1Checker Grammar and Spelling Checker

Are you looking for a free site that will check your grammar and spelling? The good news, 1checker is available for you! You can either use it online or add plugins to Outlook, Word, or your browser.

The main disadvantage is that there’s no possibility of using it without signing up. Even though it is free, you will still need to provide some of your personal information.


Copyscape Plagiarism Checkers

One of the best plagiarism checkers that provide full information about your file. It flags all the plagiarised parts of your text so that you know what to change to get a unique one.

Copyscape is really useful when it comes to working with copywriters. Still, it is also widely used by those who prefer their papers to be 100% plagiarism-free.


Evernote Writing and Editing Software

A great writing and editing software that lets you not miss any of your ideas and write them down on the go. The app has plenty of features and the best thing is that it is possible to use it for free. It is not only about writing notes, it lets you scan documents, bring your team together, and so on.

However, if users want to unlock all the peculiarities and have no limits, they need to purchase a paid plan.

Can You Trust Proofreading And Content Editing Tools?

Although such tools show amazing results, the statistics verify that they still aren’t ready to replace humans. Thus, the best idea is to ask for professional assistance and get high-quality service from top experts.

Note that reliable writing companies provide a wide range of services. They can create a sample paper on almost any required topic. Moreover, they are glad to help you with making your paper  100% plagiarism-free. Do you wonder how to summarize an article without plagiarizing it? Are you searching for tips that will help you increase the uniqueness of the text? Just ask experts, and they will answer all related questions. This option is a must in case you are in a hurry and don’t want to waste your time trying diverse online editing tools.


All in all, editing and proofreading are an inevitable part of any type of assignment. In order not to lose precious time, lots of people use diverse online tools that help them check their papers. Still, not all of them can give you a 100% guarantee that your work is error-free.

Therefore, the best idea is to ask for professional assistance and let experts evaluate your work. In this case, you will get recommendations on how to improve your paper and be sure that your assignment is flawless.

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