Why 2021 Could Be Your Company’s Year To Take Up SIP Trunking

February 25, 2021

Bilal Ahmad

If the pandemic has financially strained your business, you might understandably be looking for ways you could trim your company’s day-to-day expenditure. One way you could do this is by swapping out your workplace’s legacy phone system for SIP trunks: virtual phone lines capable of bringing cost savings.

In what region can you expect these savings to be? According to one article by Business News Daily, most businesses can anticipate saving about 75% on their telecommunication fees through taking up SIP trunking. However, this figure only scrapes the surface of why you should consider making 2021 a SIP year.

Firstly, what exactly are SIP trunks?


SIP Trunking

Essentially, SIP trunks are virtual phone lines with which users can make and receive calls online. The online aspect of SIP trunking is reflected in the acronym “SIP”, which stands for Session Initiation Protocol – a telephony protocol used for multimedia communications like voice and video calls.

SIP trunking can be used to replace the traditional telephony method, PSTN. This stands for Public Switched Telephone Network, and refers to a copper-wire, circuit-switched network where two points need to be physically connected in order for a call to be made between them.

SIP trunks don’t need this kind of physical connection, as they instead use a packet-switched network to break down video calls into digital packets that are then sent over a network.

What documented benefits can SIP trunking bring?

SIP is basically the reason why software can be used to make phone calls – and delightfully inexpensive calls at that. Calls made over SIP trunks can be made as local calls – and, therefore, avoid the extortionate costs often attached to international or long-distance calls.

This works because a call over a SIP trunk will be sent to the provider’s termination point, where the call will be transferred to a local PSTN and, as a result, recognised as a local call for charging purposes.

As SIP trunking is IP-based, it is also easy to set up as well as scale up and down in accordance with the company’s own growth or shrinkage. Setting up SIP trunking doesn’t call for any physical installation or setup, and new channels can quickly and easily be added to SIP trunks if your call volumes need to increase.

Why 2021 could be just the right time to make the SIP switch

Despite all of these benefits of SIP trunking, you might still be wondering why now could be an especially good time for your business to take it up. One simple reason is the pandemic.

In an article for No Jitter, Eric Krapf – General Manager and Program Co-Chair for the enterprise communications industry’s leading conference, exhibition and online events brand Enterprise Connect – has suggested that 2021 could be “telephony’s year of reckoning”.

With the pandemic probably still destined to be with us for a while yet, you could look into implementing a SIP trunking solution like Gamma’s to help buttress your business against economic shocks with which it could be hit in the near future.

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