mSpy Review – App For Parental Control

June 19, 2017

Bilal Ahmad

Undoubtedly, mSpy is the best mobile monitoring software for keeping a check on mobile phones. You can get access a number of things with this software including Skype monitoring, viewing call logs, and checking iMessage and WhatsApp. The company (London based) is thought to be an innovative and leading company in the industry of mobile phone monitoring. It is also among the few businesses that provide live chat to customers.

It should be installed on the phone you want to monitor. The app will let you track various aspects of the phone including call history, GPS location, photos, browsing history, text messages, etc. You will be provided with a web-based secure account which you can then use to keep track of everything.

You can access the demo here to see all the features in action.

mSpy Dashboard

Once the app has been installed, it will keep on functioning in the background. It will record all the activities taking place on the device and will then send it to the mSpy account you have. The account is accessible from all smartphones and computers.

Setting up the app is quite easy, and installation hardly takes a few minutes. Previously, Apple users had to get their phone jailbroken if they wanted to use the app. However, the new version of the app works on all iOS devices whether non-jailbroken or jail-broken.

Other platforms on which this app is available on include Windows, Mac, and Android. The icon can be both visible and hidden, depending on the user request.

Pros: All the features and components are pretty straightforward and easy to access. mSpy app is quite organized; therefore, monitoring the cell phone is very easy.

Cons: When monitoring iMessage, Viber, Skype, or Facebook, some of the features are not available on a few phones. In other words, a limited number of features is presented in some phones whereas a few others have an extensive list of features.

Features of mSpy

mSpy lets you track various things. Let’s have a look at them in detail:

  1. GPS tracking

The application will record the location of the phone and will then upload it so you can know all the places that the user visited throughout his or her day. You also have the option of tracking the person’s location on a map in real time.

  1. Monitor texts and chats

You can read all the text messages that the user receives and sends. Even if the messages are deleted instantly, you will still be able to have a look at them. You can also go through instant messages and chats in some of the popular social media and communication apps used today including Hangouts, Telegram, Viber, Snapchat, Messenger, and LINE.

  1. Control calls

Apart from seeing the entire history of the incoming calls as well as outgoing calls, you also have the ability to restrict calls. You will be able to view the phone number, the duration, what time the call took place and the contact name. To restrict a call, you will have to first define a number on the phone you want to track.

  1. Keep track of videos and photos

You can look at all of the pictures that the user takes with the phone. Moreover, you can also access videos and photos presented online using the control panel.

  1. Monitor web activities

The app provides you with the links to all of the websites that the user visits. Moreover, the app’s blocking features lets you have control over the applications that can be installed on the phone. It is up to you to block or allow an application on the target device.

  1. Keywords alert and keylogger

The app will record all the keystrokes that the user types when using the phone. For now, this keylogger feature is available for Android phones only. With the keyword alert feature, you can make a list of words that you don’t want your kids to use or search for. When the user types the keyword, you will be notified immediately.

  1. Customer support

The app comes with excellent customer support. In fact, the premium support service is particularly available for those who wish to install the app on a rooted or jailbroken device. The client support feature makes sure that the app is working perfectly. In case of a problem, you can directly contact them and get your concerns dealt with in minutes.


mSpy is the ideal app for those wishing to monitor their children and prevent online dangers like cyberbullying, sexting and contacts with online predators. It has all the features that you would want in a monitoring app, it is reliable yet secretive. mSpy is planning on giving away several iPhones as a part of their big “Back to School” promo this July. Don’t miss out to make a worthy purchase.

1 comment

  • I heard these guys were great, is there a chance to get free trial to test. It sounds great but I mean it is quite costly.

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