2 Reasons That Makes Me Say Guest Blogging is The Best

August 15, 2010

Bilal Ahmad

Praveen Previous article:- How to find IP Address of Gmail Sender

Well, before I start with this topic I am assuming that you are aware of the term Guest blogging. Guest Blogging, the most powerful word which I know in the blogging industry. To keep it simple, Guest blogging is nothing but making some useful post in some other blog. Hope you got it!!

guest blogging

If you are a webmaster then you must develop the habit of Guest blogging. Hmm, why I say it is best for a webmaster? I spoke very rarely about things to others and this is the time I decided to speak. Guest Blogging benefits a webmaster but he/she will not be paid. Excited? Want to know what are all the 2 reasons that make me say Guest blogging is for good? Hmm, here you go,

1. Backlinks

Backlinks! Backlinks! Backlinks!!! This is a golden word for a webmaster. Would you be excited if someone gives you Do-follow backlinks for free? Obviously yes isn’t t? Guest blogging provides you that. Think of a 2 juicy backlinks for an article you post on others blog. Do not mind about the page where it gets posted because a new post always shows as unranked. Juice of the main domain is always there for all the pages.

Also keep in mind that No-Follow also helps in SERPs if it comes from an authority domain. So do not hesitate to write if you get quality No-Follow links back. Hmm, why are you waiting? Start, huh wait, read the next advantage before starting.

2. Traffic

Traffic!      Traffic!      Traffic!!! This word is what all of us need and for this only we are working like something. Guest Blogging is an easy way to get that. Sounds interesting aren’t it? Yes, it is.

When you post a quality article in others blog you not only get backlinks but also clicks on your Author-Bio. Author Bio is nothing but a small space given specially for you to put something about you and also place for backlinks. If your post is nice then definitely people will click your author bio to visit your site. By this way you have loads of chances for getting good amount of visitors daily and even some will become your loyal readers.

How to find Guest Blogs?

guest posting blogs

Not all Blogs accept Guest blogging but few do.(Tech Maish accept Guest Posts, Read Guest Blogging for more details.)  It is simple to search for those blog, simply do a Google search. Google, “Your Keyword” Guest Post or “Your Keyword” Guest Blog.  Remember to replace ‘Your Keyword’ with your keyword.

Want to know how a guest blogging will look like? Huh, do not strain too much. What you read all this time is a Guest Post.

More Examples:- Here on Tech Maish bloggers wrote about 54 Guest Posts.

Want to know how you get Traffic to your site via Guest Blogging? You can even experiment it. Confused? Simple, click the links present in the Author Bio by which I get Traffic and loyal readers as well.

Hope you all like it!!

Share your Views through comments!!

Author Bio:- Praveen Sivaraman is the Editor-in-Chief and CEO of Techperk.com. His recent articles are Domain Name Generator and Nokia 5233 review


  • Yongfan Li

    List article, blog posting also shares knowledge and information and makes for great discussions, which is what the internet should be more about.

  • chandrashekhar

    Guest blogging with killer blog post deffinately helps for better blog network, SEO and publicity

  • Guest Blogging is really neccessary with new blogger like me .
    Thanks for your useful post

  • Robert @ Techinfo-4u.com

    Guest blogging is certainly one of the best ways to get backlinks, but I haven’t seen any dramatic increases in traffic from them, more followers on twitter though

  • Hieu Martin@Blog Tips

    Guest blogging is bring you more and more traffic, backlink ..

  • Shabnam Sultan

    I would like to add one more point here that guest blogging helps in networking with other bloggers :).

  • @zezebel

    Ye, try Guest blogging but do not leave your efforts after a month or two

    @Dev @ Best WordPress Themes

    Thanks a lot 😀

    @Sathish @ TechieMania

    Ye it is. Thanks Dude

  • Jessy Troy

    Here’s a great answer to you “How to Find Guest Blogs?” question:

    My Blog Guest – http://myblogguest.com/

    It’s a free forum where plenty of blog owners are looking for guest posts. I’ve been using it for like 8 months – and it’s been GREAT so far!

  • Sathish @ TechieMania

    Guest blogging is the best way to get free and quality backlinks for our site. Those links are even better than the paid links since they are from our niche. Thanks for sharing mate.

  • Dev @ Best WordPress Themes


    Nice Post. Guest posting is one of the awesome way to get targeted traffic and backlinks.

    Thanks for sharing this great Post.

    Keep up the good work.

  • I am still new in blogging.
    this article of yours enlighten me about guest blogging.
    No wonder I saw them a lots in some blog.

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