Comparison Between Good Content and Fast Content

September 25, 2011

Bilal Ahmad

Blogging is all about good content writing. If you are a good blogger then it means that you are a good content writer as well and if you are a good content writer then you can become a good blogger as well. Success in blogging is totally dependent on good content writing. There are basically two types of contents. One is called good content and the other is called bad content or fast content. There are some differences between these contents that you must know. If you want to find out that content is valuable or not then you can keep this following comparison in your mind because this will help you to find valuable information on the internet.

good content



A good content will have a good grammar. If a writer writes will then he will take care of grammatical errors. It is quite natural that grammatical errors are present in content and they can only be removed if you will revise the content once or twice. Proof reading is very important in good content writing.

When we talk about the fast content then there will be many grammatical errors in that content. An article writer that is writing too fast will never get time to revise his produced content. As an end result, there will be many grammatical errors in his content. If there are grammar errors in content then it means that the content is written very fast and there no proof reading involved at all.

Spelling mistakes

When you start writing something then you want to write fluently and there is a possibility that you will make different spelling mistakes. These spelling mistakes are to be eliminated once you are finished writing. A good content will never have any kind of spelling mistakes because writer will point out those spelling errors and correct them.

The main identification of a fast content is that, there will be many spelling mistakes in that content. If a writer will be too fast to write an article then definitely there will be many spelling mistakes in that content. He will never get time to remove these mistakes or correct them. So, if you want to make your content valuable then you should make sure that there are no spelling mistakes at all.


A good content will always have valuable information in it. There are no guestimates in good content writing. A good content writer will pay attention toward the information that he is sharing in the article. He will provide references as well so that you can confirm that information for your record.

A fast content will also have information but that information will be approved. A fast content writer will provide you with information but there will be no proof of that information at all. So, if you want to find out good information about some topic then you have to find such content that provides you with references as well.

Keeping this comparison in your mind, you can easily distinguish between good content and fast content easily.

1 comment

  • Christian Esperar

    I want to be in the Good but I don’t usually do the Good content practices. Time to make some changes on my blog in order to have a great flow of traffic on my site.

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