Create A Facebook Fan Page To Promote Your Blog- How To

June 18, 2010

Bilal Ahmad

As a blogger you should always follow all the available methods and ways to increase traffic to your blog. Not only traffic but quality and relevant traffic. Social Media are playing a vital role in delivering quality and relevant traffic. However there are some people who are just trying to use social bookmarking sites to just increase alexa rank by mutually voting. The only way to get quality traffic from social media is to use correct techniques that will help you in your blog promotion. One of the popular and useful technique is to create a facebook fan page and promote your blog.

How To Create Facebook Fan Page?

1. Go to Facebook Fan Page Link to create a quality fan page for your blog.

2. In the first page give your page a name and select “Brand, product, or organization” from “Create a page for a” list and then select a appropriate category.

facebook fan page

3. Fill all the boxes carefully and then click on “Create Official Page” Button.

You will be redirected to your Fan Page. For example recently i created a fan page for “TechMaish“, you can see the screen shot.

techmaish fan page

Now personalize all the settings like “Setting Permissions” , Defining Tabs” and “Adding Other Details” about your blog and your self. You must provide valid information, so that your readers can know about your goal. Add all the available information and deliver quality content to your fans. Increase fans for your page, and get quality and relevant traffic.


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