Auto Blogging Vs Normal Blogging

April 19, 2011

Bilal Ahmad

You may have heard about the word “auto blogging” and now a days this technique is very popular on internet. Several softwares have developed by popular internet marketers to make the blogging process automated. Again the word “automatic” is itself a spammy and unacceptable in the eye of google and other search engines.

Just like auto bookmarking, auto submission and auto backlink creating, auto blogging is also based on such techniques. Where you don’t need to write articles and publish them, instead you install a software and it will automatically publish articles from different RSS Feeds and articles directories.

Is this technique legal?

This is a little bit controversial issue, but i will try to provide you background information of what exactly auto blogging is and how we can make the process authentic to generate income from it.

Actually auto blogging softwares like auto content cash works with different articles directories like, etc and RSS feeds. Such directories has different PLR (Private Label Rights) articles which can be published any where without prior permission.

A similar auto blogging software WP Robot (One of the best in auto blogging industry) is based on a very powerful system. The strength of this system is that it copies articles from different RSS Feeds and make it unique by spinning it through article spinners softwares like content professor and the best spinner.

Some softwares like WP Robot has different modules that are used to pull content from Amazon, Clickbank, Yahoo Answer etc and publish it automatically in a blog with your affiliate links.

Read More: Is autoblog good or bad?

The bottom line is that yes aut blogging is legal but if done through the right tools and softwares.

Normal Blogging

In normal blogging you need to produce unique and quality content to publish in your blog. You can’t use some one else content in your blog, because in normal blogging your only identity is YOU. People will read your blog just because of your own content and when you build readership for your blog, then you can earn from them through different ways like Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, Reviews etc..

From both you can earn good amount of monthly income. Even i have seen some auto blogging based blogs that are generating more then a normal blogging blog. The success of both techniques depends on the type of Niche you have selected for it, Type of promotion and tools you have selected.

Hope you like the article, please share your thoughts on both Auto Blogging and Normal Blogging.


  • Alvin Lim @ iPhone Blog

    The Google Panda Update will prevent any auto-blogs from ranking on the search engine.

  • Its stupid to compare normal blogging vs autoblogging. Google punish it hard since 2-3 algorythm changes.

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