Advantages and Disadvantages of Search engine Optimisation Vs Pay Per Click

March 7, 2012

Bilal Ahmad

You have just opened a new website and are now sitting waiting for orders to come in. But there isn’t any orders coming. You analyse the website and the product list, there are no flaws. So, what is the problem? It is as though your site doesn’t exist online. If you do not have a well known website (a string of websites) you are going to need search engines to feed you with traffic. And your website does not rank in first few pages of results then there are high chances that you will not be found by the surfers at all. In such circumstances you need to choose a search engine optimisation company to provide search engine marketing strategies that work for your website. If you want to perform search engine marketing after reading the above mentioned advice then there are some more things that you have to keep in mind.

You have to find out ways to maximise your return on investment with search engine marketing. You have to come up with a potent strategy. But as search engine optimisation companies will advise you understanding of the basics of search engine marketing is essential in this respect. There are roughly two types of approaches to search engine optimisation:

  1. Organic: It includes SEO, link building and other offline marketing methods.
  2. Paid: This includes pay per click (PPC), paid subscriptions and other online advertising methods such as banner ads.

Though both these approaches have certain limitations, but there are many advantages too. Advantages and disadvantages of both these processes is mentioned below:

Advantage of Organic SEO

  • Most actions for search engine optimisation is an one time activity. The charges of the work is set as an upfront fees.
  • Changes brought about as a part of organic SEO will be relevant to your website and drive traffic up to a year or so from now.
  • They can build credibility. Research shows that about 60-80% of people tend to click on organic results instead of sponsored or paid results.
  • If you are able to earn a good ranking you will end up appearing in prominent positions in most other search engines.

Disadvantages of Organic SEO

  • There are changes required to your website’s code. These changes tend to be invisible to visitors. If you have invested time and money in building an unfriendly website for search engines than the process can be costly as well as time consuming. Some of the changes required to your website under such circumstances may be – navigation, design and site’s copy.
  • Results in terms of rankings or traffic are a slow process. The results will normally show in 3 or 4 months.
  • There can be no guaranteed results as the search engines themselves decide the ranking.

Advantages of Pay Per Click

  • Pay per click campaigns can be implemented in quick time. They take about 2-3 weeks to be set up and then run. Google Adwords is up and running very quickly after a campaign is started.
  • There are no changes required to your site. Though creating targeted landing pages for each pf your advertisements can increase conversions.
  • You can bid for an unlimited number of keywords.
  • You can decide where your listing appears in result pages and also what your ad says. You can look through your products and offers to decide the result page best suiting your needs.

Disadvantages of Pay Per Click

  • All the clicks are expensive as there is intensive bidding.
  • You will have to keep on paying for clicks month after month. If you fail to meet the budget then your listings disappear and with that the traffic also moves.
  • Web visitors like to click on organic links rather than sponsored results.
  • Lot of time investment is required to monitor and bring changes in listings constantly.

Thus, organic SEO seems to be a cost effective solution to getting good traffic over a long period of time. It requires little efforts from the business owner. You have to select a good search engine optimisation company and that’s it!

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