Insert Adsense Below, Above and Inside Blogger Post Title

October 2, 2009

Bilal Ahmad

In order to get good CTR, you need to place adsense ads in the right place, the most visible and eye catchy spots in a blog are above or inside blog post title. I have seen rapid increase in the CTR (upto 70%) of my blog, when the ads were placed in top of the page just below the post title.

In this post I want to show you, the procedure for placing your adsense in three different and prominent locations.

Here we are going to place adsense ads in three positions.

Placements for Adsense Ads

1# Above every Post Title

2# Below every Post Title

3# Below Post Text OR Inside Text

I will recommend no.2 and and no.3 because this is my personal experience. First of all Login to your Adsense account and select your desire adsense format (I recommend you to place 234×60 )

After selecting your desire ad copy the entire code and paste it here for encoding. (It is important to encode the adsense code before adding in the above positions.) Use Postable for encoding your adsense code.

Adsense code after encoding

<script type="text/javascript"><!–
google_ad_client = "pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
google_ad_host = "pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
/* Small Button 234×60 */
google_ad_slot = "2484146014";
google_ad_width = 234;
google_ad_height = 60;
<script type="text/javascript"

Make sure that you encode your adsense code, just like the above one.

1:- Now Login to your blogger Dash Board,

2:- Click on Theme

Theme Blogger


3:- Under “My Theme” click on the drop down button next to the Active theme and then Click on Edit HTML

Blogger Insert Adsense Ads

Now find this code in your Template

<div class=\’post-body entry-content\’>

1# Above every Post Title

If you want to put adsense above every post, then paste this code

<b:if cond=\’data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;\’>

<div style=\’float:center;padding:5px;\’>




Above this one

<div class=\’post-body entry-content\’>

and save your Template

2# Below every Post Title

If you want to put adsense bellow every post title. See the above Picture, then paste this code

<b:if cond=\’data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;\’>

<div style=\’float:center;padding:5px;\’>




Below this



This one


and save your Template.

3# Below Post Text OR Inside Text

If you want to show your adsense ads just after every post text, then paste this code.


(Note:- Just paste the encoded code. With out the extra code)

Below this



This one


NOTE:- Replace (— PLACE YOUR ENCODED ADSENSE CODE HERE — ) with your adsense encoded  code for every step. Don\’t forget to replace this.

NOTE:- You can also align the adsense to right, left or center. For this just add the following code above the actual adsense code.

<div style=\’float:center;padding:5px;\’>

You can tweak the code according to the layout of your blog.

For Example

<div style=\’float:center;padding:5px;\’>

<div style=\’float:left;padding:5px;\’>

<div style=\’float:right;padding:5px;\’>

This is the simplest method to insert adsense ad below, above and inside every post tile. The right placement will increase your earnings from adsense.

The better the placement, the better will be result. Try all the formats on different places and track the result. It is the experiment which can improve your blog performance. Always keep eye on your blog performance so that you can point out the weakness and correct them on regularly basis.

Remember, you can place maximum 3 adsense ads and 3 link units on single page. Do not display more then that, because it is against the Adsense TOS.


  • Jayesh Pednekar

    Thank, but I m using wordpress. How can I put adsense below post title ?

  • Hey Bilal…
    Can you pease check my site and tell me where exactly to put the ad codes..

  • Sir, I have used My timeline responsive template. I want to place my adsense ad below my title. But the above procedure didn’t work on this template. Do you have any alternate way. This is the template I am used in my blog. Please check your method on it and let me know if it is successful, or your idea about to do the same.

  • المترجم الفوري

    I follow all instructions but still the ads didn’t show on my blog? can you please check my blog. Thanks

  • It is really good article and I was looking to get maximum benefit of ad sense putting the code above and below in post same as you.


  • Pengetahuan Produksi

    Thanks for the sharing of the code….
    I will try it.

  • wow thoroughly explained.. easy to understand.. overall nice post

  • Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure that all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: Open quote is expected for attribute “{1}” associated with an element type “cond”.

  • Stories Trending Now

    Thanks Bro for the Article,
    But Please can I add the Adsense at the center side area under the post title instead of it being at the left side area.


  • new ipod touch 5th generation

    I follow all instructions but still the ads didn’t show on my blog? can you please check my blog. Thanks

  • Thanks..Also could you please tell me how to keep line ads below post title

  • Shalu Sharma

    This is a very good tip. Adsense in the posts makes sense.

  • TechBase

    Thanks for the tip. I tried it on my blog and its now working. And its a nice blog you have. Thumbs Up!

  • dr.anand

    respected sir,
    i like your post very much and it helped me a lot,
    but i want to put adsense between my content or between article how to do it?
    plz plz help it
    thank you

  • How to insert Adsense between end of post and related / previous posts on a thesis theme? Please share me your solution. Thank you. 🙂

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